Shire Horses

Shire Horse Stallion - Upper Delves James

Upper Delves James is a licensed shire horse stallion, when in 2013 he was licensed for life. As a sire Upper Delves James has show offspring worldwide. With a remarkable height of 186 cm, he descends from Brickell Cowerslane Sir Jim on his father`s side and carries the gray line in his blood via his mother Upper Delves Lady Gray by Elian Gray Prince.

Shire Horse Stallion - Upper Delves James
Shire Horse Stallion - Upper Delves James
In terms of breeding, Upper Delves James stands for the old, heavy type. He mainly inherited his very rare grey colouring. There are only about 176 pure white or gray stallions worldwide. His strong, broad joints and bones combined with a compact build and gender-typical charisma correspond to the old breed lines of the cart horse. This goes back to Oldacres Mansetter born 1760 on the father`s side and to Old Kirby born 1768 on the mother`s side.
Shire Horse Stallion - Upper Delves James
Grey Shire Horse Stallion

Shire Horse Stallion At Stud

Shire Horse Temperament For more information on Upper Delves James, call +49 170 3812710 or email : frozen-semen@shire-horse.berli
Pair Of Identical Twin Shire Horse Foals BornPair Of Identical Twin Shire Horse Foals Born

Shire Horse Stallion - Upper Delves James